The brand new Captain of the Nigeria Defence Academy NDA} Golf Club , Lt Col !B Abdulkareem has promised an unprecedented and steady growth for the NDA Golf Club.
Abdulkareem made his vow when last Sunday saw off the Heinenken Golf Tournament which would be the first real big tourney of its Executive Committee since he assumed office some months back. The tourney which played on the vast course of the NDA featured over 200 golfers from across the nation including eminent Military bigwigs and indeed the Commandant of the NDA, Major General MT Ibrahim.
Pleased with good things that played out at the Heineken event, the new Captain, Abdulkareem stated that two more major tourneys, that will definitely involve professional players will come into play before the year runs. This could cost huge sum but Abdulkareem is not bothered one bit.
Hear the Club Captain who is equally the CO Medical Centre of the NDA: “If you talk big ideas that will involve huge sums people will properly think it will come from your pocket of that of the Military. This is wrong. I believe in sports sponsorship and I believe we have enough corporate bodies in this country which can back such sponsorship.It all depends on the right approach that could win them to your side. I believe I can do this.
“Besides, I must work on things I met on ground. I mean the Greens and the general out look of the Club. Those my ‘ogas’ who were there before I came, especially big people like DaCosta and Opara did their best. They are like a father to me and I, the son, want to surpass them.
“Very soon the NDA course will not only be the pride of Kaduna and the Military but that of all golfers across the nation. I know what golfers want. They want to move to place where things happen… I mean where tournaments are played on regular basis. This is my mission. I want to move tournaments to NDA and bring quality people here”.
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