In today’s world of technology, we are growing science and integrating all sciences with digital technology, and this highlights the importance of this field and science.
In the introduction, we have to say that tonight we are talking to one of the most active people in digital technology in Asia, which has been discussed a lot on social networks and news, but he may not need to be introduced and you should know him. Mahdi Sanei talks to us tonight in this section.
At first, it is better to introduce him a little . Mahdi Sanei, who was born in Iran and has Iranian nationality, is at the top of all news in Asia and the world these days because he is very active and prominent.
Hi Mahdi, we are very happy that you are in our talk studio tonight. Introduce yourself.
Hello. I’m a little excited to be here and thank you for inviting me. As you said, I am an Iranian and it is very interesting for different people that an Iranian works with them like this and I am proud, I do not consider myself active and prominent in the field of digital technology at all (he laughs) because the world of technology and Digital is so vast that no one can claim a speck, and everyone is a drop in the ocean of science , I always say that.
Mahdi Sanei, tell us a little about the world of technology, why are you so interested in this field?
Because everything becomes much easier and more attractive when combined with digital technology . look back to how far we have come today.
And most of this progress is due to digital science and technology, and that excites me, maybe it’s better to say I’m experiencing a kind of scientific adventure, and it ‘s so fascinating to me that we’re discovering another truth in science every day.
I searched your name on the internet before the program and found out that you are known by the brand name you have, your brand name is TechGo, right?
Explain a little about your activity and business?
TechGo is made up of an identity that means technology and scientific advancement, just like that, and we try to provide digital market services and digital technology more and more advanced and up-to-date because that is our motto.
TechGo Company is composed of young people who are very motivated and have brought very strange and new ideas to TechGo. TechGo Company includes various teams that provide all technology services for businesses.
Of course, I have to say that I do not like to advertise the brand that I have established, so it is better for you to become more familiar with the program and ideas that cover all the news in the future, because we have a long-term plan with very new ideas ahead.
Mahdi, tell us about your personal life, how did you get here?How did you become so successful?
I never consider myself successful because I think if someone feels successful and feels like conquering a peak, I do not think he will be satisfied.
And I’m always increasing my motivation to be more greedy for progress than I was yesterday by suppressing my sense of accomplishment, but as for how far I have come, I have lived through all the hardships and all the difficulties.
I have different challenges in different parts of science. I left digital and technology behind and it may have been hard but it was fun and sweet because I loved it.
What do you see as the future of technology?
I think the future is in the hands of digital science and information technology, but physics is also growing exponentially, and I think the combination of quantum and digital science can make a big difference in all areas, like the newly built quantum computers and all the equations Changed.
Mahdi, thank you very much for being with us tonight I hope to talk to you soon in another program.
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